We conduct 4-5 trainings a year. Each training is an intensive three-day course that is certified by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). This sustainability training provides participants with thorough knowledge on the GRI's reporting principles, process, and disclosures. Not only are workshops designed to give participants practical and hands-on experience on materiality and stakeholder engagement, but it also provides the audience with an overview of TCFD, SDGs, Integrated Reporting, SASB, and other reporting standards. This training aims to enable companies to evaluate their social and environmental performances in harmony with their financial targets.
With the Global Reporting Initiative's GRI Standards and International Integrated Reporting Council's (IIRC) Integrated Reporting Framework as basis, we assist companies communicate their sustainability plan, performance and stories through a coherent Sustainability or Integrated Report. We create data collection systems that are appropriate to the companies we assist.
A sustainability reporting process enables companies to set clear short- and long-term targets, measure and track key performance areas, manage various risks and impacts, and take advantage of opportunities arising from sustainability challenges. It also gives stakeholders more insight on the company's overall value proposition, and encourages them to actively participate in enhancing the company’s brand and reputation through corporate sustainability initiatives.
The sustainability reporting process normally takes five months. Its benefits, however, extend beyond this period. These include increased engagement among employees, improved operational efficiency, better brand image, and enhanced investor confidence among others. Most of all, it enables companies to define the most strategic ways they can contribute to addressing societal challenges and contributing to creating a more sustainble Philippines while growing their markets and improving their business performance.
The Integrated and Sustainability Reporting preparation is one of our most sought after sustainability consulting services. See below for the list of reports we've assisted since 2012.
Cebu Holdings Inc.
Cebu Holdings Inc.
Cebu Holdings Inc.
Century Pacific Food, Inc.
China Bank Corporation
Development Bank of the Philippines
Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation
Shakey's Pizza Asia Ventures, Inc.
China Bank Corporation
China Bank Corporation
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) marked another milestone in the sustainability journey of the Philippines as they released Memorandum Circular No. 4, series of 2019, otherwise known as the "Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for Publicly Listed Companies (PLCs)."
This SEC guideline for sustainability reporting outlines the information that publicly-listed companies have to disclose in relation to their non-financial performance across the environmental, social, and economic aspects of their organization. It also provides a framework for the reporting of the companies' contributions toward achieving universal sustainability targets like the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as national development plans like AmBisyon Natin 2040.
This Sustainability Reporting SEC Compliance service is one of our most sought after sustainability consulting services. We assist companies create a coherent SEC-compliant sustainability report that outlines their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance as well as risks and opportunities arising from sustainability challenges faced by the company.
Recognizing the importance of measuring environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance as a driver for corporate sustainability and growth, we offer baseline performance assessment services to companies who are just starting their sustainability journey.
In this process, the company is able to identify and evaluate its ESG impacts, risks, and opportunities, as well as its contribution to sustainable development through its core products and services. Baseline performance is key to developing sustainability management plan which supports the company's business strategy.
Recognizing that sustainability in business is more than just reporting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance, this service allows companies to have a clear and cohesive roadmap towards implementing sustainability across the organization by redefining their business model, and implementing sustainability programs and processes across the different functions in the company. Having a well-formulated sustainability strategy and roadmap will allow companies to move beyond corporate social responsibility and prioritize key business areas that have the most potential to contribute to sustainable development.
Any business is expected to make social and economic impacts in the communities where they operate. It is imperative that business is able to track these impacts and understand the value they deliver to the community and local economy through their business activities, either through their local procurement, employment, and core products and services or through their corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs. We employ a variety of social science methods in assessing these impacts and in making recommendations to managing negative impacts and optimising their positive contribution.
Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) refers to the evaluation of environmental, social and economic negative impacts and benefits in decision-making processes towards more sustainable products throughout their life cycle. This is a result of converting the existing (environmental) life cycle assessment (LCA) technique into a triple-bottom-line sustainable development technique, initiated by the Life Cycle Initiative partnership of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Environmental life cycle assessment (E-LCA), or more commonly called life cycle assessment (LCA), has been the most widely accepted method of analyzing the effects that a product or process will have on the environment. In fact, it has been standardized in the ISO 14040 and 14044 and is being applied by practitioners globally up to date. Results of an LCA study let companies know which aspects of their production are efficient and where they can improve efficiency to reduce environmental impacts across all the stages in the life cycle of the product. The social and economic life cycle assessments add extra dimensions of impact analysis and valuable information into the usual LCA.
Cognizant to the role that the financial sector plays in enabling finance schemes on sustainable development as well as recognizing the need for banks themselves to mitigate exposure to environmental and social (E&S) risks from client operations, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas released circular 1085, requiring banks to integrate sustainability principles, including those covering E&S risk areas, in the corporate governance and risk management frameworks of banks. In this regard, BSD observes a four-stage approach to building and operationalizing an environment and social risk management system (ESRM). This approach is customizable to fit every bank’s maturity level in embedding sustainability as well as transition plan. The first stage in this process is laying down the foundational elements of an ESRM in a manner that seamlessly integrates with a bank’s existing risk management framework. This stage develops an E&S Policy, General E&S Procedures, and Roles and Responsibilities. After establishing these foundational elements, BSD assists in building and operationalize an ESRM by drafting technical guidelines for effectively assessing and managing E&S risk exposure according to a bank’s risk appetite. Effective guidelines include E&S review and sector-specific guidelines for loan officers, categorization criteria for a bank’s loan portfolio, and a record keeping system to document the loan appraisal process.
Anticipating the difficulty in comprehending what E&S risks are posed by various businesses or industries, BSD offers their expertise in capacitating all levels of bank staff to implement the different aspects of an ESRM in accordance to their roles and responsibilities. Furthermore, BSD offers hand-holding to a bank’s clients in order to guide them in complying with new requirements or advising them how to capture E&S related business opportunities. The last stage in this process is a continuation of assistance through a guided pilot run of the entire ESRM protocol or the development of a screening or monitoring partnership with the bank whenever on-the-ground due diligence needs to be carried out.
BSD is in a good position to diversify a bank’s portfolio with resilient loan projects. Our extensive work in training and advising more than 40 companies across industries provides us a solid understanding of their E&S risks and opportunities.
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sustainability consulting services,
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